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The Photos & Videos Challenge

These are advertisement  publicattions shared on social media used to create a buzz about our 2015 FHS Class Reunion

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The Photo & Video Challenges

Undersatandibly, people are often paranoid about being photographed. Many are even more nervous about taking spontaneous casual photos. In such situations, there isn't the usual time to fix, hide, or enhance a few things about our outward appearance before taking pictures. To some extent, everyone is typically conscious of how they look in photos that would be used in the public. The idea of posting personal photos on social media sites, for many people is an absolute "NOT ME!!!!!!"


Whatever the reasons may be for avoiding taking pictures, they are sometimes merely pesstimistic/negative labels we attached to ourselves. In other words, they are often pyschological games we play with ourselves as a way of hiding who we really are. In such case, avoiding a photo becomes a somewhat quiet way of keeping others from seeing us in a fixed manner long enough to see what you really look like.


Attemptng to collect photos of FHS classmates during the meetings were extreemly difficult and marginal at best. Having literally all the focus on the meeting (For which we were there for) at hand left very little priority on taking photos of everyone in attendance. It took a great deal of strategy and chasing everyone (Casually dressed!) with the camera and inviting classmates to hang around after the meetings for just a few moments. IT WAS A CHALLENGE!


The goal of taking photos was never to showcase how anyone looked, but to use as a photo/history of classmates participation leading up to the 2015 Class Reunion. Over time, classmates were thrilled to see any media that featured classmates. This time around, everyone seemed to have been much more anxious to see one another again. The photos helped a great deal.


As FHS classmates, we all had many years to see one another on Facebook and get pass the initial shock & WOW's on who look like what. Whatever we thought about one another's appearance over time eventually proved unimportant. Because of Facebook, you know precisely how PaSTOR D look since highschool and I know precisely how you look since highschool. We are all still blessed in many ways!


All the photos were used (PROFESSIONALLY) in our 2 FHS Movies that I had planned to create and release prior to the Class reunion held on August 22, 2015.



We are all wonderfully blessed, alive, and fortunate.

Whether thin or thick, short or tall, sickly or healthy, it was just soooooooo good to see classmates during the reunion. I love you all and honored to have met each of you again.

So, don't run from me and the camera the next time!

Just turn around, pose, smile, and be on your way

God bless each of you.


Please adhere to the rules and guidelines for sharing and using the info, photos, and videos posted on this website.
Audio Message

Say Hello to


404 549-7944

9:30 am - 9:00 pm

Darnell Gardner
FHS Voice-over
Class of '74
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