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(MUSIC) Soften My Hear -
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Donate & Support PaSTOR D "TBLAM"

Please Pray For Me!

My life of GIFTEDNESS has been a struggle in many unique ways. Combined with ministry adds even more weight to what God has entrusted to me. Although I'm grateful for all the compliments I receive concerning my many talents, my heart is always yearning for just simple and kind APPRECIATION in whatever way anyone choose to express it to me.


History sometimes show that highly skilled & gifted people are often unconsciously overlooked due to people being so impressed with their skillfullness. Thus, the "PERSON" gets overlooked. Yes, I've experience this my entire life up unto this present day. No amount of years have lessen this scenario. Yet, I just go on and do the best I can with what I have. Through it all, I've learned to trust in God and depend on him.

Hopefully, everyone will understand how much I admire FHS Classmates and that I've put my whole heart into creating this website over 13 months free of charge. Sincerely, I pre-dedicated the need to make sure we have every memory of the reunion to cherish for a life-time.  Charge this hefty website (Approximately $30, 000) cost to heavens account.

You will be surprise to know how much my heart is blessed when I receive just a "LITTLE" appreciation (Not compliments!)

May God bless you all. I pray that my life legacy reflects me as having given much, much, much, more than I've received.


Truly, I've sincerely tried to be given and caring in my own distinctive and multi-facet way. Unexpectedly, every now and then God sends someone my way to encourage and show me appreciation. Thank you Jesus for my life no matter the ups and downs. I'm too full right now to say anymore.

Have a bless week!


Love you all!

PaSTOR D "TBLAM" - The Baby Lover & Motivator

(I really do cherish BABIES!)


How Donations Are Generally Used

1) To purchase additional training materials (CDs, DVDs, Software, etc.) used to enhance private lessons

2) To purchase more equipment (PC tablets, digital audio recorders, etc.) to enhance private lessons

3) To pay for the printing of (Official) lesson materials that are often given to students (Free of charge!)

4) To update or replace equipment (Computer upgrades, more PC storage drives, audio cables, etc,) used during lessons.

5) To finance tools (Recording/mixing software, green screen supplies, etc.) used to create and produce student projects (DVD Movies, Personal CDs, Video Bioraphies, photo slideshows,etc.

6) To purchase more audio/visual equipment (Portable projector, flash drives, etc) used to display lesson materials, etc. To use in LIVE/Church "Bible Presentations"

7) Donations received as "Love Offerings" & "Appreciation Gifts"

8) Occassionally buy "Powder Lemonade, grooming supplies, & Bow ties! (SMILE!)


Hello Everyone!

Write all Checks to:

Pastor Michael Dennis

Make a Donation
Click the "DONATE  BUTTON" below
Thank you so very much!

1 Thessalonians 5:18  

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Matthew 20:26  

But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister;(servant!)

PaSTOR D "TBLAM" (Michael Dennis)
1819 Thomasville Dr. SE. (Resident)
Atlanta, Ga. 30315 (USA)
Eastern Standard Time

Phone: 404 549-7944

Excellence Private Training

Open Document

This movie tells much of

my life's story and challenges

Mr. Holland's Opus

(1995 American drama film)

Part 1 -  16 Segments

     Teacher          Teacher

Chose Teaching over Fame!


If I had to relive my life over, I would drop everything and become a Baby Doctor (Pediatrician)

I just never get enough of looking into those precious eyes! PRAISE GOD!

Baby Giggle - Unknown Artist

PaSTOR D is available for the following events


  • General Church service

  • Anniversaries

  • Appreciation services

  • Weekly revivals

  • Home-going celebrations

  • Ordination ceremonies

  • Prayer banquets

  • Funeral Assistance



  • Sunday school (Guest teacher)

  • Bible study (Guest teacher)

  • Bible basics (For beginners)

  • Bible presentation (Bible translations)

  • Bible presentation (Unlocking The Book of Proverbs)

  • Bible presentation (Hermeneutics)

  • Bible presentation (Typology)

  • Bible presentation (Biblical figures-of-speech

  • Motivational events

  • Bible seminars

  • Workshops

Invite PaSTOR D to speak at an event

to open the Guest Speaker Form

Ms. Izetta Dennis

"Mother D"

Traditionally, a minister of the Gospel is not usually transparent enough to share their heart as I do and be so social media active. You've probably seen some of my work posted unto Facebook.

HERE  (Photomake-overs)

HERE  (Ministry: Sermons, Bible articles, music, etc.)

Maybe It's Destiny!

I'm not quite sure. I've lived my entire life with mother. Because of her I've been able to spend my entire life studying and becoming skilled in so many things.

Well, maybe everyone don't understand. Thank God for the few who do understand and has, without questions, accepted PaSTOR D for who and what he is.


Daily, I do purposefully seek to motivate others to strive for excellence in everything they do. In return, I'm motivated!


To God be the glory!


2 Peter 1:10  

Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:

Colossians 1:10  

That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;
11  Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness;

Better known as "P-a-s-t-o-r D "TBLAMr"
"The Baby Lover & Motivator"


Sometimes called: Dr. D, "D", Mike, professor, etc. 

  • Is absolutely "Born-to-Teach!"

  • A proud citizen of America living in Southeast Atlanta Georgia



  • Birthday; April 18,

  • Birth place: Atlanta, Ga. 30315

  • Parents: Sis. Izetta Dennis (mother) & the late King Dennis

  • Favorite Gospel Singer: Mother (Izetta Dennis)



  • Fulton High School graduate (1975) 

  • Voted "Outstanding Senior for Overall Talent"

  • (The Unmerited gifts of God!) 

Incredibly, God has continued to bless me in this regard through the 'Tedious Art of Teaching" and inspiring others to maximize their potential for the glory of God. Over many years I've become extremely clear as to the purpose of the many skills God has bless me to share.

College: 1 year - Atlanta College of Art - 1976


Spiritual Calling & Agenda

  • Calling into ministry - 1985

  • 1st Official Public Sermon - 1988

  • Ordained into the Ministry: February 1992

  • Active Pastor (contributed to starting at least 2 churches)

  • Sept. 15, 1993 incorporated Word Clarity Family Christian Ministries, Inc.

  • Congregation: 1993 to 2008

  • Continues to operate as a Pastor along with former Word Clarity FCM Ministry Staff members

Please adhere to the rules and guidelines for sharing and using the info, photos, and videos posted on this website.
Audio Message

Say Hello to


404 549-7944

9:30 am - 9:00 pm

Darnell Gardner
FHS Voice-over
Class of '74
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