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Webmaster - PaSTOR D

PaSTOR D "TBLAM" (Webmaster) - God Bless All of Our Classmates!

Voted! - Fulton High School "Outstanding Senior"  For "Overall  Talent 75" - Yes, God is still gifting me in this regard!

Donate & Support PaSTOR D

This web site is designed and published by Pastor Michael Dennis Authoring and managing a web site such as this entails an enormous amount of study, preparation, and labor. No, I have not had any formal training to learn the computer, graphic designing, photo edition, etc..

Webmaster  Define

A webmaster comes from web + Master
Also called a web architect, web developer, site author, website administrator is a person responsible for maintaining one or many web sites.

A webmaster duties may include ensuring that the web servers, hardware and software are operating accurately, designing the web site, generating and revising web pages, replying to user comments, and examining traffic through the site.

Webmasters "must also be well-versed in Web transaction software, payment-processing software, and security software."

Yes. it has been the grace of God along with patience and persistence that has cause this site to be constructed.Presently I'm striving more and more to understand the laws & rules of web site designing. The goal with all God has blessed me to do is to give away through teaching others to learn to do the same thing.

Trial & Error - Patience & Persistence!

No! God’s gift isn’t the “Automatic ability to design a web site.” Instead, God’s gifts are many: patience, focus, persistence, curiosity, a computer, advance tools to work with, health, a stable mind, vision, and an overwhelming desire to teach what I learn from others, etc.. It is God's will that we share what we have and know. God has allowed me through “Trial & Error” to learn how to create a “Beginner’s web site” and over years master what I’ve learn toward creating “Advance web sites.”God get’s all the glory!


Ecclesiastes 9:10  

Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.


Luke 16:10  

He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.
11  If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?
12  And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man's, who shall give you that which is your own?


Matthew 23:11  

But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.

PaSTOR D's Contributions
To Our 2015 Class Reunion Preparations
Class Reunion Motto
"Connecting our PAST
With our PRESENT
For our FUTURE"
2015 FHS Class Reunion Flashback Website (This Site)
Fulton High School LEGACY "Official" Website (Future!)
FHS - Meeting (Sign-on form)
FHS - Meetings (Email Notices)
FHS - Picnic (Flyer)
FHS - Picnic (Sign up Application)

FHS - News Commercials
FHS - Monthly Advertisements
FHS - Meeting Notices

FHS - Facebook "LEGACY' PAGE
FHS - GoFundMe web site

FHS - Modern "Cardinal Redbird" Logo

Fulton High School LEGACY 2015 Movie Premier 1
Fulton High School LEGACY 2015 Movie Premier 2

FHS - Classmates Voice-overs
FHS - Class Reunion (Name Badges)
FHS - Class Reunion (Special Certificates)
FHS - Class Reunion (Class of "79"
            Theme song - Rearranged)

FHS - Class Reunion (Participation Form)
FHS - Class Reunion (Submit Ideas Form)
FHS - Classmates (Info Form)
FHS - Classmates (Business Directory Form)
FHS - Online "Class Reunion" (Participation Form)
FHS - Class Reunion (Program Ideas Form)
View my "THANK YOU" to
Randy Holloway & Darnell Gardner


Daily Agenda
Excellence Private Training Homepage


Pastor D "TBLAM" The Baby Lover & Motivator
Teaches private lessons
Computer, Music, Bible, Audio & Video Production, Web Design, Desktop Publishing, Ministry & Bible preparation, etc.)


Contact PaSTOR D

404 549-7944

Invite PaSTOR D to Speak  

Available for the following Guest Appearances  

  • Sermons

  • Bible Study

  • Seminars

  • A rare few workshop appearances

  • Ministry media consultant

  • Ministry preparation training

Please adhere to the rules and guidelines for sharing and using the info, photos, and videos posted on this website.
Audio Message

Say Hello to


404 549-7944

9:30 am - 9:00 pm

Darnell Gardner
FHS Voice-over
Class of '74
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