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Webmaster - PaSTOR D

Thank you Daniel Harrell & Warren Sheppard


Warren Sheppard,

How did you grow

3 inches taller after high school.

There should be an investigation.


Daniel Harrell,

You did not catch them all.

Good Lord!

Best Friends Spotlight!

Daniel Harrell & Warren Sheppard are two awesome, down to earth, and wonderful guys and classmates. I PaSTOR D, would be swift to say that both of them are incredible nuturing grandparents. If anyone one has invested quality time into their grandchildren it would be Daniel Harrell and Warren Sheppard.


As two of our rememorable FHS classmates, both of these terrific guys still retain their high school charn, humi,ity, and like-ability.


Obviously, Daniel and Warren stood out at our 2015 class reunion not because of Warren's height or Daniel perfect snow white wiskers. They were just so exceptionally warm and friendly.  Thank God for these two gentlemen.


It is possible that they have the World's Guiness Book record for family/Children/Grandchildren photos posted on Facebook.



If there are no deers in your area to observe, check Daniel Harold's meat refrigerator.

THANK YOU - Daniel Harold


THANK YOU - Warren Sheppard

Proverbs 17:17  
A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.

Proverbs 18:24  
A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.

Thank you Daniel & Warren!

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404 549-7944

9:30 am - 9:00 pm

Darnell Gardner
FHS Voice-over
Class of '74
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