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Thank  You!

Constance Betner-Arnold & Venetia Baron-Poole

Thank Constance & Venetia

for your faithful participation in managing the "REGISTRATION DESK"

It should be known that the both of you were always there working along side Gail Clowers-Smith in the class reunion preparations. Whatever needed to be done (Phone calls, check on this & that, etc.) was always accomplished from meeting to meeting. Your labor of love is highly appreaciated. Obviously, Constance and Venetia were "Smart & creative" classmates then & now.


Thank you Constance!

Thank you Venetia!


You both are under investigation. Your footprints & fingerprints have been found scattered over all the class reunion plans. Thanks for working so diligently to make our class reunion a success. God bless!


Constance (Connie)

Venetia Baron-Poole

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Audio Message

Say Hello to


404 549-7944

9:30 am - 9:00 pm

Darnell Gardner
FHS Voice-over
Class of '74
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