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Modern Bibles Corruption!

Bible Corruption


What The Bible Says About Tampering God's Word


Deuteronomy 4:22

Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you. (KJV)

Jeremiah 23:36  
And the burden of the LORD shall ye mention no more: for every man's word shall be his burden; for ye have perverted the words of the living God, of the LORD of hosts our God.


Who has given man the authority to tamper with God’s Holy Word?
Are modern Bible versions better?
What difference does it make?

Some Pastors erroneously say that all the Bible translations “Mean the Same thing? Is this true? NO!

The Princess Diana Bible is a new Bible version reflecting on a fictitious world shown in the movie Horror in the Wind.

This version of the Bible responds to the needs of the gay and lesbian world which have been presented in the movie. This new version of the Bible has been titled Princess' Diana Bible to commemorate Princess Diana's friendliness with the lesbian and gay people.

This is a growing abomination!

Bible Corruption - PaSTOR D
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The Bible Updating Hype! (Introduction)
(Tampering With The Bible)


A special (PD Bible Presentation) has been prepared to reveal  overwhelming PROVABLE EVIDENCE that there is a CORRUPT HIDDEN AGENDA behind the publishing of modernized English Bibles.
God has inspired me into many years of intense research and Bible translation studies to bring this issue before the Christian table of awareness.


You must understand that you do not have to be a Bible scholar to properly interpret God’s Word. Yet there must be an awareness that the “Real True Word of God” has been gradually and culturally replaced with the “words of man” through a deliberate attempt to update God’s Word so it can be watered down to personal preference and tolerance.

Most of the Church and public is unaware how much of the Bible has been tampered and changed to coincide with worldly cultural trends. Corrupt & worldly  organizations have formed for the intentions of  changing the Word of God to make it more culturally flexible, politically correct, or gay friendly. 


Modern English Bibles have been cleverly reworded in such a manner as to accommodate the lesbianism-homosexual gay life style, hip hop beliefs, etc. Modern English Bibles have altered Christian theology & doctrines and strategically reworded Scriptures to embrace a host of contemporary forms of worldly tolerance.

Much of the Christian Church theology and doctrine has been distorted by modernized Bibles. The integrity of the Church teaching has become corrupt as a result of the continual proliferation and acceptance of alternative Bible translations. Out of all religions within our culture, the Christian Church is about the only religious institution that permits anyone to dare rewrite its holy book. 


Consequently, many Church congregations are now experiencing the awkward embracement of reading from many Bible versions simultaneously. Some Pastors even dare to respond by saying “Well they all mean the same thing.” WRONG!

Please come and be informed about this growing dilemma concerning Bible translations.

Corrupt - Avoid!
Corrupt - Avoid!
Corrupt - Avoid!
Corrupt - Avoid!
Corrupt Bibles

The Corrupt Agenda

Behind - Modern English Bibles

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